New semi-custom knives website is up and running! Available to preorder, and for custom orders. 

Phantom Knives


Coming SOON!

The Anunnaki Ascension... 

complete course in Sumerian Magic!



The true study of magic is not a casual pastime… that one puts on when the moon is full. It is who and what we are… the Isipu, the Kassapu, and the Baru (high priest, priest, and the seer accordingly). It encompasses all that we do. It puts us on a different level than most of humanity. (for example: being able to heal a fatal wound with just ones will!). This can make one very isolated, and often targeted… even by others on a similar path! 


The Masons do not share their teachings with the Rosecrucians, the Gnostics, the Hermetics, the Vedas, or the Sufi!


Each esoteric order has their own beliefs and ideals… all of which come from those of the Anunnaki! The ancient Sumerian teachings predate them all…


Fortunately for you, these wise scholars preserved their knowledge on stone tablets, which stand the test of time better than any other method! Not only that, but they often buried them in the tomb of their kings, to be hidden, and discovered aeons later… when the time was right for the people to once again reconnect with their past, with the long forgotten knowledge… that time is NOW! 


Reserved not for the elite and chosen ones… but for those who have the faith, commitment, and desire to be something more than “average” something far beyond most people’s comprehension. 


Are you ready…?


To commit your life, to becoming the best version of yourself! Far beyond what most could even imagine possible. 


I am not talking about parlor tricks, like turning water into wine… I mean real magic! That can transcend reality!

Freedom of Speech... is a lie!

In theory, we have freedom of speech... the ability to arm ourselves for protection from oppressive regimes (even if they are our own government!)... but the truth is, if one is in business of empowering and teaching people to defend themselves, they are labeled as promoting violence, and shadow banned! This is why most who offer self defense promote the aspect of self confidence, etc. and not even offer true techniques that could save your life, in a dire situation... because in doing so, one might actually cause harm or injury to the person who attacked you! As a warrior, I seek peace... and I will use everything at my disposal to protect that peace! Even if it means harm to the force that is creating the conflict! As one who makes knives that are designed to protect, even google will not post my website, even if I do a paid ad! (I know, I tried!). It doesn't stop there, most sales platforms (eBay, Etsy, etc.) will pull your listing if it is considered a weapon! 

The truth is, most knives that are used as a weapon are kitchen knives! Most people use weapons of convenience! Not a tool specifically designed for the purpose. In today's world of algorithms and virtual reality, marketing a business such as mine needs to be done old school! Through the building of a community, that shares and supports our business. 

Do small businesses a favor, if they provide a good quality product or service... share it with others! Especially if they focus on helping and empowering people (from the overlords who seek to keep us weak and vulnerable). 

The Power of the Mind! 

Free Will...

The universe is a reflection of the self, more accurately... of the beliefs.

There are many people who struggle on a daily basis, and seem to lack the courage to change. Being weak and broken, as a result of being targeted by others. But the truth is, others only have the authority we grant them! We all have the ability to say no... to walk away... and to choose not to give them power over us. 

But the truth is, many people lack the self confidence needed to say NO! On some level, more often than not, they actually believe they don't deserve better. 

The first step to taking back your power is to forgive yourself, for the consequences of your actions. Realize that others, like ourselves, are a creation of our beliefs, our values, and our ideologies... most of which have been told to us for so long that we don't even realize what they truly are! 

The second step is to hold yourself accountable for your actions, you notice I did not say to forgive others. That is because most people, on some level, are fully aware of what they are doing, and see the consequences. Choosing to place themselves above others. And while it is important to recognize our strengths, it is important also to remember not to use others. To live a righteous life! This means, to do what is right! What is the best decision for humanity, which sometimes means self sacrifice... or harm to others (for the greater good). 

"Love and light" is great, in a world where there was not evil. But let's be honest... there are many people (beings) that don't have compassion! And don't deserve our "love" 

Sometimes one has to call on (or be) a greater force (of justice) than those who they stand against. To remove the threats, not only to themselves... but humanity. 

that's usually where I come in! 

The importance of Vision!

Not only to see clearly, but to perceive... even to project one's desires into reality.

Discernment is important in vision, not only of the conscious world, but the subconscious and supernatural as well. All that is, was, and ever will be has energy! This energy creates a vibration, which can be perceived with training and concentration. 

Most people have far more potential than they realize, plausible deniability... we don't have the ability to rationalize something, so we tend to dismiss it. But our gifts and abilities are not always tangible. Often they are triggered as a survival mechanism, as a result of trauma. This is more common than not. Very few have done the work to truly hone their abilities. And most of the "experts" in truth know little more than the untrained. They just have more experience! 

A simple exercise to help hone your ability to work with subtle energy is to use a candle in a room with no distractions and subdued light. Focus on the flame, and gradually close your eyes. Allowing your third eye and your memory to know where the flame is. Visualize the flame growing, larger and larger. Dancing and moving... to your own will.  It takes practice, but with focus, and a clear mind. One can become one with the flame. Potentially even extinguishing it from across the room! (Which I have done before).

*my experience dancing with the flame*

I was purifying a Mayan artifact with fire, in the empty house I was living in (in Chicago) and lay down on the bed about six feet away. As I continued to watch the ancient and powerful forces be cast out into the flames. As they continued to grow... stronger and stronger, the flame also continued to grow! To the point where the fire was starting to kiss the ceiling in the abandoned house that I called home. I continued to take my hand (still lying in the bed) and did a sweeping motion, as if to gather the energy from the flame, and did a swift downward motion, as if to put out the flame with my hand. In this very moment the flame completely died out and all that was left was a small ember and some smoke. 

I am not saying this is a normal occurrence, in fact, it has not happened since. Necessity (emotional energy) when focused can greatly amplify one's abilities! But if you don't work with them, they lie dormant. 


The Practice of Initiation.

In the ritual and sacred arts, there is a practice called "initiation" that seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird. Even among those who call themselves "adept" have rarely undergone a proper initiation or had proper training.

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The Secret … to mastery!

There are many books and programs out there that promise to "change your life" From Napoleon Hill "think and grow rich" to "The Secret" and everything in between...

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The Dragons Code

As humanity "awakens" to the truth of the world we live in, they realize that... the layers of deception are far deeper than most realize. When you realize that "we are not alone" it can be frightening at first. There are many seen (and unseen) forces in this world, that (like humans) have free will, and also like humans... seem to lack accountability! 

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