In the ritual and sacred arts, there is a practice called "initiation" that seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird. Even among those who call themselves "adept" have rarely undergone a proper initiation or had proper training.
The practice of ritual initiation serves a couple of very important purposes.
- it allows one the time to better connect with their spiritual guides and to hone their own intuition.
- it helps with meditation and silencing the mind, granting one more awareness and better control over their emotions.
- it helps to build faith in not only the universe and your spirit guide, but in yourself as well.
Self initiation, can be just as effective (or even more so) than being a formal member of an esoteric community. So long as one has the proper training available. That's where we come in! Let's face it, there is just as much dogma and doctrine (not to mention judgment) in the spiritual and occult community than there is in the religious world (that many of us seek to escape from).
The most important aspect of self initiation is COMMITMENT! In the ancient days, one would dedicate themselves to the spirit or guide they saught to work with for a period of 40 days. (Older traditions go as far as seven months! Or even longer ... In the sumerian Practice, to even be accepted as a student, one had to undergo the "ladder of lights" a seven month period where one was dedicated to prayer to each of the principal seven planets. *note: I have created a modern version of this ancient rite and undergone it myself. So I can attest to its power). Traditionally this was done in isolation, in meditation and prayer as well as living a spiritually pure life for this time.
I understand that life moves faster now, and so do the spirits we work with. But commitment is still required! For a true initiation, if you seek to work with a spirit guide, dedicate a lunar month (28 days) from full moon to full moon, to your deity of choice. (It can even be as obtuse as God, or your higher self).
At the very least, give a prayer every day, at sunrise, noon, and sunset. And state in this prayer why you seek to work with said force, and your intention in having their guidance (how you wish for them to improve your life, and what you will do with these new abilities),
A simple ritual such as calling forth the elements in a sacred circle can be used for the first (and last) day of the initiation.
Many people call on spiritual forces, some even claim to see them, and have them speak to them. But few have the knowledge to make certain that they are who and what they say they are, or the will required to truly command them!
I will be going into the process for that, at a later date. For now, if you truly wish to work in the hidden realm, you need to show honor and respect for the forces you seek to call upon.
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