There are many books and programs out there that promise to "change your life" From Napoleon Hill "think and grow rich" to "The Secret" and everything in between...
As one who has dedicated their lives to self improvement and mastery, having attained it to a greater degree than most, I have my own thoughts and ideologies in relation to these programs.
In my own experience, they all fall short. While they may indeed improve your life, any results are, at best "the power of positive thinking". Yes, the mind is the mediator between the physical and spiritual plane. And as such, it starts with taking control of your thoughts and beliefs.
But is doesn't end there, like so many teach! There are three factors that come into play.
- Vision: the ability to see the desired change, and believe that we deserve to experience it.
- Force: to attach our emotions to the desired outcome, giving it fuel and beginning to transform it into reality.
- Action: to do the work needed, in order to make room for the desired results.
in addition all must be within the "circle of influence" this means, that you must have the resources available, from yourself (or others you know) to provide the outcome.
let me give an example:
lets say that you want a new car. Start by visualizing yourself driving in it. What are you driving? How does it make you feel? Etc. from there, continue with empowering it with emotional energy. And finally, do the necessary work. Look at the classifieds, go to the dealership, etc. and look tangibly at the resources you have available.
* note: it is possible to transcend reality and basically "jump timelines" to where you manifest things seemingly out of thin air. I know, because I have!(the 85 acres of land I live on, and a car. To name a few). But this is not the normal outcome, and it takes years of practice and training to achieve that level of success. Especially with any consistency.
an important aspect is to look at your circle of influence, the people who are around you. Do they help and support you? Or drag you down? Sometimes it is better to be alone, than in a circle of enemies. Not all who present themselves as friends, truly have your best interests at heart.
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