There are many challenges we face, as a part of daily life. People (and other forces) that seek to manipulate, influence, control, or use us.

The truth is ...
as sentient beings, we have free will! This means. "No external force has authority over us, unless WE grant it!"
This applies to people, spiritual beings, spells, black magic, curses, and EVERYTHING! Trust me, I know... as I have faced every one of these challenges (for myself and for others). And come out on top every time. Not because I am "special" or more powerful than others... but because my faith is absolute! I listen to the universe, and act in a righteous manner.
To paraphrase my favorite quote from the Nag Hammadi...
When doing the work of God, adversaries are just gnats to be swatted away.
Strength... starts with faith, having the will and courage to face challenges! Believing in yourself and the universe, knowing that whatever comes your way, you can handle.
Faith is built over time, as a result of positive reinforcement. An attitude of gratitude. Be thankful for what is provided, even challenges... be grateful for the ability to survive and overcome. Embrace the positive and accept the negative. Realizing that all is part of the plan.
Discernment comes into play here too, as one needs to be honest to yourself. Realizing the truth of who and what you are, on a tangible, intellectual, physical, spiritual, and emotional level. The only constant is change, but if one is lying to themselves, they will not take the steps necessary to remedy challenges they face, often projecting them onto and blaming others for what is happening, when in reality it is because of our own choices.
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