As humanity "awakens" to the truth of the world we live in, they realize that... the layers of deception are far deeper than most realize. When you realize that "we are not alone" it can be frightening at first. There are many seen (and unseen) forces in this world, that (like humans) have free will, and also like humans... seem to lack accountability!
I am not blaming humans, or even humanity... for the problem. In fact it goes far deeper! Most of the religious doctrines have become corrupted (by design?) and teach that "forgiveness" is all part of the process. This approach of accepting forgiveness creates a situation where accountability is no longer necessary.
Most religions teach that "we can do whatever we want" and as long as we ask "God" for forgiveness... it's all good. But what if, rather than asking for forgiveness, we actually act in a righteous manner!? Doing what is best for the advancement and evolution of humanity. And holding ourselves accountable for the consequences? Just think for a moment how different our world would be!
I myself follow a simple code, and offer it to others as an insight into what living an honorable life should be like.
The Dragons Code
- DISCERNMENT: The ability to recognize right from wrong, just from unjust. Truth from deception. And acting accordingly.
- RIGHTOUSNESS: To do what is BEST for the protection and advancement of humanity, and all sentient life.
- ACCOUNTABILITY: Taking responsibility for the consequences of your actions.
- GENEROSITY: To give freely... your time, energy, and resources (so long as not to the point of self sacrifice)
- OUTGOING: No man is an island. Connect with others, find your tribe.
- NATURAL: To live in harmony with natural law, and the universe. Staying away from chemicals and other substances that can destroy our environment.
- SELF-SUFFICIENT: Being able to provide for one's own needs, in such a manner that it allows room for growth and allows one to aid others, as needed.
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